Monday, March 22, 2010

Chuck Porter pays us a visit

Chuck Porter from Crispin Porter Bogusky was recently in town to do a seminar at the Dubai Lynx Awards. He is without a doubt, one of the most influential minds in this industry and it was an honour having him in our agency. Having had close ties with CPB in the past through Burger King, it was really nice to have him share some of his wisdom with us and the Tonic team. It's amazing the effect a few words can have.

Burger King spots featured at Dubai Lynx

It's been a while since we've posted some TVC's on our blog. Wait no more. Our latest offering, 3 spots for Burger King that bring an emotional and pretty funny spin on "Have It Your Way". The spots are about two Saudi friends on holiday in the States. They're having burgers with two typical American girls and we follow their conversations. The spots were shot and produced in Beirut by Zoe and Directed by Chadi Younes.

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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Rainy Tuesday

It doesn’t rain often in Dubai, but when it does, it pours down. It may dampen everything in its path, but certainly not the spirits of the average folk in Dubai. We took this pic opposite our office. When approached, the guy simply said he wanted to make it into the local paper. We might not be the National, but you read it here first :)